We went in for my ultrasound with the specialist and found out we are having a GIRL!!! We are both so very excited. We would have been happy with either a boy or a girl. We can't wait to start getting the nursery ready!!
I am 16 weeks 2 days today. I will be going in every 4 weeks to the high-risk specialist for ultrasounds and to monitor the growth. I will still be going to my regular obgyn for checkups, but all the ultrasounds will be at the specialist. The concern is my blood pressure and my small septum. I have already had to do a 24 hr urine, that was fun! We are just staying positive and praying for a strong healthy baby girl!!
Right now she is just where she should be for 16 weeks. The ultrasound was really cool, we got to view the ultrasound on a 32 inch flat screen TV. We saw her kidneys, spine, bones and got to watch her heart valves pump her blood, it was amazing!
Here are some of the ultrasound pictures:

My favorite one, her little handprint!!!