So I will be 30 weeks pregnant this Sunday. How exciting!!!
I went in for an ultrasound on Monday. Layla weighs in at 3 lbs!! She is at the 52nd percentile. Right in the middle. I would post some of the pictures but the tech. was not as good as some of the other ones and the images that she gave me didn't turn out very good. There will be many more to come. I will start going in for weekly ultrasounds every week starting at my 32nd week of pregnancy. I will also see my regular ob weekly. So 2 drs. apts. every week till I have little Layla.
I had a appointment with my regular ob today. I lost 2 lbs....I don't know how that happened! Everything looks good, my blood pressure has been really good! I have been experiencing a lot of pressure when I do to much...exercising/housework etc. So the Dr. ordered me to take it easy from now on. He feels I am doing to much and is concerned with preterm labor. So I will be taking it easy.
We are almost done with the nursery, I will post pictures when it is all done. This past weekend Chad and I put a quote up on the wall in Layla's nursery. I absolutely love it and I think it fits perfectly, since she is our little miracle.

7 Months