We had a great visit with friends and family while in WI for Thanksgiving! The time went by fast and before we knew it we were on our way home to Ohio!
Layla and I stopped over to see one of my best friends Kelly and her daughter Madyson (16months!!). It was so cute to see the girls playing with each other! I can't wait for the day that we will live in the same state and our girls will see each other more;-) We had a great time!! Madyson is such a sweetheart...miss you guys already. We can't wait for our visit over Christmas!
Layla and Madyson!!
Layla brought over some silly bands to give to Madyson...she really liked them;-)
The girls!
Layla really liked Madyson's ball pit!! Layla liked to put the balls in and dump them all out...how fun!!
Layla loves to play at Grammy and Pop's....

We went over to Great-Grammy's for lunch with Grandpop!
Giving a hug!
Layla likes to look out the window!
Having a drink on Great-Grammy's walker;-)
We went to Auntie Jenny's and Uncle Mark's for a delicious dinner! We had a great time:-)...Layla loved playing with her Auntie and Uncle
Auntie Jenny reading to Layla!
Layla being silly with Uncle Mark...taking his picture!
Layla and Uncle Mark!
I can see myself!
Uncle Mark, Auntie Jenny and Layla!
We watched Layla's cousin Josh and went to Kids in Motion...we had a great time! Since Daddy was out of town, Pop came with us!
On the way!
Layla didn't want to leave the arts and crafts room:-)
Silly Josh
Grandpop and Josh playing!
The giant connect 4!
Tired from a long day of playing!!
Playing at Layla's cousin's house!
Layla and Nicholas!
Layla and Mommy
We had nice dinner with Grandpa Steve and Grandma Barb! We are glad we got to spend some time with them before the head off to Arizona!
Thanksgiving Day!!
This was Layla's first Thanksgiving in WI!! We had a very special day and have so much to be thankful for! Our Little Layla is not so little anymore but she will forever be our most wonderful blessing...we Love U Layla!
We went over to Grandma Janice's house Thanksgiving morning.
Layla liked to play with her candy bowl;-)
Playing with Grandpop before everyone came over for Thanksgiving!
Go Pack Go...when you ask Layla what her favorite football team is she says.."Pack"!!
Grammy, Grandpop and Layla!
Daddy and Layla
Amber reading what she was thankful for before dinner...it was very sweet!
All of us..except Grammy!
Aunt Lisa and Amber
The Noel Family!
Layla and Josh
Aunt Lisa and Layla
Amber, Great-Grammy and Layla
Playing before bed