June 29, 2013

Our Silly Little Layla!

Some random pictures of our Silly Little Layla! We love your silly self and always make us smile:)

Layla's reward chart! 
See all the stickers...we are so proud of you!
On Sunday's Layla likes to look at the ads...especially the Toys R Us ad:-)
Layla left the room and a few minutes later I asked where she went...
"I'm going potty Mommy"
This is how I found her....reading the ads on the potty;)..I had to take a picture(she is not going to like this picture when she gets older...sorry but it was just to funny to pass up;)

Layla in her swim goggles!
and wearing them in the car;)
Layla loves to learn, when it comes to trying to read books and even writing her own name! She wrote her name in "Uppercase"...Good Job Layla!

June 25, 2013

Layla our Big Helper!

Layla is such a big helper with Nolan! She loves to feed him and she does such a great job! Thank you Layla for being such a Great Big Sister to Nolan! Nolan gets so excited when Layla feeds him:)

Layla feeding Nolan bananas!
A little Messy;)

Random Pics of the kiddos!
Happy Guy!
Layla loves getting her picture taken!
Wearing one of Daddy's favorite dresses!
Using the iPad! She has become a little pro...
The other day I found her in the app store.."looking for some free games"
Snacking on some grapes!

June 23, 2013

COSI...Big Machines!

We went to COSI for the Science of Big Machines...where kids can sit on/in all different types of "Big Machines". Layla loved when we went last year, so we had to go back this year!

 Our Smiley Girl!

 Waiting in line:)

 Hey Big Blue Eyes!!

June 19, 2013


Nolan has started his first food besides oatmeal cereal!....Squash! He really likes it, we sure knew he would since he sure likes to eat:) We have a picture of Layla hanging in our kitchen of the first time Daddy fed her squash (she was pretty messy!!) and we now will hang a picture of Nolan eating his first food...squash (and he sure was messy too!). Layla likes to tell Daddy about when he fed her as a baby she was a mess but when Mommy fed her she was all clean!! Layla has been such a big helper when it comes to feeding Nolan! She is a pro and even cleans his face when it gets Messy!

Squash Face...fed by Daddy!

 Nolan and Layla!
 Nolan has also had bananas and sweet potatoes!
Nolan fed by Daddy...
Sweet Potatoes!
 Loves to eat!
 and his spoon is tasty!

June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We had such a great day celebrating Daddy's special day...Father's Day! Happy Father's Day to the best Daddy in the world!! Thank you for being so nurturing, kind, loving, silly, and such a great role model to Layla and Nolan! We started the day with giving Daddy his gifts!

Daddy with his two loves!
We made a special card for Daddy!
and Layla made a special gift for Daddy...
...a Canvas Painting with her hand prints!
A few days before Daddy's day painting his special gift!

Daddy, Layla and Nolan!
Our Big Guy!

Then it was off to....GREAT WOLF LODGE!
We went to Great Wolf in Cincinnati...was much bigger then the one in Sandusky we went to last September! 
We had a Great Time!!

Nolan is ready for the pool!

Layla loves the water!

Daddy with the kiddos!
The water was a little to cold for Nolan...so he loved to watch everyone!
Layla loved going down the kids water slides!
She was so polite...and would wait so patiently for the lifeguard to tell her she could go down!


The Newport Aquarium!
The next day we went to an Aquarium in Cincinnati...it was so much fun!! 
The Penguins!

Going to see the sharks!

Hey Nolan!

...and turtles!

Mommy with Nolan and Layla!

Playing some Frogger!!

How do you measure up?
3 feet...just like her age!!
Touching the sharks!

We had a great weekend with Daddy!