We had a great time with Daddy have then entire week off of work. Layla had so much fun playing with her cousins:) We celebrated Nicholas and Joshua's birthday's, went to the Zoo, Kids in Motion, went on Grandpa Steve's boat, and Grandpop treated all the grand kids to a day at Country Inn Suites Indoor Water Park!! It was a wonderful week and the last week that we will visit when the Noel's will living in Wisconsin.
Happy Birthday Boys!
Nicholas (12) and Joshua (5)!!
Opening our gifts!
Big Man Josh is 5!!!
The Yummy Cookie Cake!
The Noel's!
Good-bye Wisconsin...Hello North Carolina!

The Milwaukee Zoo:
We had a great time at the zoo with Grandpop. Layla loves "Grammy and Grandpop's Zoo" cause it has Giraffes (Layla's favorite animal) and Hippos!
Grandpop and Layla
Couldn't get enough of the Giraffes!
Beautiful Tiger really liked Layla;)
Layla and Daddy!
Nolan has a special bond with Grandpop...he can't stop smiling and laughing when he's around!
Nolan and Grandpop!
She's a Miniature!
Mommy and Layla
Layla with the baby gorilla! How Layla has grown!
Layla's favorite!
Grandpa Steve's Boat!
Layla and Daddy had a great time on Grandpa Steve's boat and spending time with him. Layla loved swimming with Daddy and having Grandpa Steve drive fast!
Grandpa Steve and Layla!
Layla and Daddy!
Showing off her swimming skills!
Eating her lunch...Green Peppers!
Layla loves all the different color peppers:)
Kids in Motion:
Layla couldn't wait to go to Kids in Motion! One of her favorite places to go while visiting:) We were so lucky to have Grandpop come with us!
A Giant Lite Brite!
Layla and Daddy made a flag!
Dressing up!
Random Pictures:
Ready to go to the park!
Grammy and Nolan!
Grandma Jan and Nolan!
Having fun at the park!
Country Springs:
We were so lucky to have Grandpop treat all the grandkids to a great day at the Indoor Waterpark! Thank you SO much! It was a wonderful finish to a great week!
Amber, Layla, Josh and Nicholas ready to go!
Everyone was SO excited:)
All ready to swim!
Layla and Daddy!...Love this picture
Silly Joshua!
Lazy river:)
Nolan loves watching everyone!
Playing water basketball!
Our last dinner at Grammy and Grandpop's with the Noel's and Great-Grammy! It was so nice to spend time together!
Uncle Tim playing Chutes and Ladders with the kids;)
Our Sweet Nolan!
Great-Grammy with all the grandkids!!