June 29, 2009

Long time No write!

I again have not written in a long time. The last few months have been extremely hard and I just didn't feel like writing.

The surgery was almost a complete success. I found out after a few ultrasounds that I have a very small septum left from the surgery. I was concerned, but my Dr. does not seem to be concerned and has assured me that he would preform another surgery if it was necessary. So my worries have gone away regarding the shape of my uterus.

Since I last wrote I have been seeing much more of Dr. D. He started me on clomid and after several failed attempts moved on to a new infertility drug called Femera. Femera was originally used for breast cancer patients and now it is also used for infertility. Dr. D. also mentioned to Chad and I that we should start "thinking" about IVF. Which caught me off guard and brought me to tears. I just thought we where not there yet with our treatments and never thought we would have to even think about it. We have to see how my body will react to the new drug........

Through all of this Chad and I have stayed positive and have turned to God. It has definitely been a hard year for us and through it all we have become stronger as a couple. I don't know what I would do without Chad in my life, he is my rock!!

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