July 29, 2011

Our Sweet and Silly Layla!

Layla has been loving our new house...this is her 3rd house she has lived in since she was born!! She has taken to the changes quite well:-) 
Layla watched me get water from the fridge and the next day she was doing this:-)
 I got Layla a water table...I put it together in the living room and Layla couldn't wait to play with it. She thought you are suppose to swim in it;-)
I had to get my famous picture of Layla in her wagon!
16 months!
Layla loves to sit on chairs and ottomans!
What a Big Girl!!
 Daddy and Layla
 Mommy and Layla
Bath Time!!
Layla loves her new bath:-) She loves when Daddy puts the shampoo in her hair!
Layla Loves Bath Time!

1 comment:

The Courtnage Family said...

LOVE all the new pics --- She is getting so big and soooo beautiful - what a little grown up girl she is becoming -- give her hugs for us