October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat!!

 In Columbus trick or treat is on Halloween night! Layla has been Super excited about Halloween and trick or treating!! When anyone would ask her what she was going to be, she would say "Minnie, she is a mouse". Layla loves to wear dresses, so Minnie was a perfect fit! It was cold and rainy...so we had to bundle Minnie up:-) Our neighbors (Holly and Andy) had a little Halloween party at their house before we went out trick or treating!

 Minnie Mouse!

 SO excited!

 Oh my has Layla become such a "Big Girl"
Halloween 2011
Halloween 2012
 The Halloween Party at Layla's friends Izzy and Lilly's house!
The kids coloring Halloween pictures!
 Layla loves Baby Reese!
 Our neighbors daughter, Reese (Ryken's sister)
...she was born on Layla's birthday:-)
 A tired Minnie!
Holly's Mom doing story-time!
 All the kids....
Layla, Molly, Izzy, Lilly, Aiden, Reese, Ryken and Camden!

 It was to rainy to take pictures of Layla going door to door...
She had a great time despite the weather!
After every house she would ask..."Which house are we going to next"

Layla and Daddy checking out all the candy!

 Daddy and Layla!

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