March 30, 2013

Easter Egg Hunt!

We had a small Easter egg hunt with all of our neighbors kids and Josh! Layla's cousin Amber helped her!
Layla and Amber with Layla's neighbor friends!
Aiden, Molly, Lilly, Izzy, Ryken, Reese and Camden:)

Finding some eggs!

Looking for eggs in our yard!
Amber, Layla and Nicholas!
Checking out whats in all their eggs they found!
Amber, Layla, Josh, Nicholas and Nolan!
Uncle Tim and Nolan!

Layla and Nolan are so lucky to have such wonderful cousins! (and Aunt/Uncle)
Their cousins all were so gentle with Nolan and loved holding him! They also helped Layla with things and played with her! Before the Noel's came to visit Nolan was starting not to cry as much but was still crying a good part of the day. But the day they arrived and for their entire visit he hardly made a peep! It was wonderful:-) He loved watching his cousins and loved all the action in the house! 

Amber and Nolan!
Nicholas and Nolan!

Layla got to open her birthday gift from them!
She was SO excited!
A Barbie!!
Princess magnets! and My Littlest Pet Shop!
Thank you all SO much!....She loved all the gifts:)
We had to dye the eggs for the Easter Bunny!

Eggs are ready for the Bunny!!

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