May 14, 2013

Nolan's 4 Month Check-Up!

Nolan had his 4 month checkup with Dr. Mahoney! He is growing SO fast. I can't believe what a big boy Nolan is! He is a very different baby then Layla...almost complete opposites, except that he smiles a lot...just like Layla!
Nolan's checkup went great...he is healthy and just where he should be with his milestones! He is rolling over from his back to his tummy, smiling, laughing and cooing! He is still not sleeping through the night. That is one thing that has been a challenge for us. Nolan wakes up quite often during the night and has a hard time getting back to sleep:( He is following in the footsteps of his sister and his cousins...not a good sleeper:( We just pray that it gets better...(this too shall pass). Dr. Mahoney suggested to start cereal with Nolan since he eats SO much that it has been hard for Mommy to keep up...Nolan eats every two hours! He is doing much better since being taken off the medicine for his acid reflux! 

Nolan's stats:
Weight: 17lb 6oz (90%)!...Holy Cow
Height: 27inches (97%)
HC: 16 3/4 (58%)

Our Big Guy!

Nolan and Layla before his appointment!
Nolan on the scale! took awhile for it to lock in his weight (he's a wiggly one)
How Big is your Head!! tall are you!
Waiting for Dr. Mahoney!
Layla couldn't wait to see her favorite Dr.!

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