April 26, 2011


We had a great Easter! Layla's Uncle Tim, Aunt Lisa and cousins came to visit and celebrate Easter with us! We had a blast spending time with them....especially Layla. She just loves to play with her cousins and give them Lots of Kisses!! During there visit Layla was starting to walk more...since she had to keep up with her very fast cousins:-) We counted 17 steps!! 

Layla is now walking more than crawling. At times she likes to hold onto one of our hands to walk...its too cute!

Amber and Layla
On our way to the park behind our rental home.
The Park (the day before Easter)
Nicholas on the tire swing!
 Before going down the Big Slide with Daddy!
 Uncle Tim and Layla
Pointing at Nicholas and Amber!
 Layla loves the soft "northern" grass...its nothing like Florida grass;-)
 "Can I have the Ball"
Coloring eggs for the Easter Bunny!!
After a long day Layla and Josh took a bath! It was Layla's first time sharing the bath...they had a great time. 


The Easter Bunny hid all the kids baskets and the eggs!!
Amber showing Layla what the Easter Bunny brought her...candy, a toy bunny and egg on wheels!
 Layla and Amber found eggs together!
 Layla loved holding the eggs!

After the kids found their baskets and the eggs it was off to Easter Mass. After Mass we went to brunch!
Layla in her Easter dress! (love how she squints)
 With her Easter cards...thank you everyone for all Layla's gifts!!!
The Girls in their Easter dresses;-)
Our Easter Baby!!
Layla and her cousins on Easter!

 In the last few weeks Layla has been doing SO much:

Says "Car" and points at our car! (all her words: Da-da, Ma-ma, Pop, Ga (Grammy), Car, baba (bath), Vac (vacuum), Do (Dog) and Sa (Sam)!

When you tell her it is bath time she will say "ba ba" and crawl/walk to the bath..(she has been doing that for awhile)

Points to many objects that you ask her "where is ...."

Points to things she wants or would like to have!

She knows all her stuff animals by name....she will get the one you ask for. 

She shares everything!!!...and gives you anything you ask for!

Shows you where her belly-button is when you ask and pulls on our shirts to see ours...we are working on nose:-)

And of course....Gives LOTS of KISSES!!

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