September 14, 2011

18 Month Check-up!!

Layla had her 18 month check-up with Dr. Gaglani today! Layla did great:-) She is so tall for her age! Layla weighed in at 24lbs 6oz (50th percentile) and her height was 33inches (85th percentile..Holy Cow she is tall!!). Her head of course is still big...19.5inches (90th percentile!). She had three shots (2nd Hep A, Pentacel, and Flu)...poor thing. 
I remembered to bring our camera this time! Just a few pictures before the camera died;-( 

Standing on the scale like a big time she can stand on the Adult scale!
Getting measured!
Getting weighed with Daddy;-)

1 comment:

The Courtnage Family said...

What a big girl !!! She is so beautiful and growing up so fast