March 7, 2012

Birthday with Uncle Mark and Auntie Jenny!

Since Uncle Mark and Auntie Jenny couldn't make Layla's birthday party, they had us over for pizza and cake!! It was so very thoughtful of them:-) It is always so much fun spending time with them! Thank you for everything:-)

"Happy Golden Birthday" card!

 They got Layla a cookie cake!
Singing Happy Birthday!

 Opening her present!

 A book and a stuffed animal dog named Nugget that talks as you read the book! What a great present...Layla loves it!
 Hugging Auntie Jenny and saying "Thank You Auntie Jenny"
 Auntie Jenny reading the book and Layla holding Nugget!
 Uncle Mark and Layla
 Uncle Mark, Auntie Jenny, Cleo and Layla!

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